Concert features Westside's award-winning ensembles: Concert Band, 音乐会合唱, 以前的声音, 和Soli Deo Gloria.
你一定不想错过这个特别的活动. 这将是一场伟大而有趣的音乐会. 请于12月12日(周二)晚上7:30加入我们.
Returning again this year is reserved premium seating. 现在购买高级座位, 点击这里.
- Soli Deo Gloria: Students also have the opportunity at the end of the school year to tryout for the varsity mixed ensemble, Soli Deo Gloria, 对于即将到来的一年. This varsity group has an annual tour singing around Portland through the holiday season.
- 音乐会合唱: All Soli Deo Gloria singers join our choir to comprise our Oregon 3A State Championship 音乐会合唱. Each year the 音乐会合唱 competes in a District choral competition to qualify for the Oregon state choral competition. Westside’s choir has qualified to compete in the OSAA State Choral Competition for the past seventeen years and has won the State Championship for the last thirteen consecutive years. 只接受邀请, the choir has participated in the National Festival of the States in Washington D.C. 在卡内基音乐厅. They have also performed at the National Cathedral and the Russell Senate Building.
- 敬拜课(点燃): In the fall of 2005 Westside began offering a worship class. In this class students discuss the role of worship in the life of the believer and develop skills that aid students in leading the body of Christ in corporate worship. These students serve the student body by providing musical leadership during the weekly chapels.
- 音乐会乐队: In 2016, 将福克斯, Music Director, started the 万博客户端官网下载 Concert Band. 仅仅是第二年, the Concert Band won its first state championship and then won again in 2019 with only 9 students. The Concert Band continues to be a growing program at Westside Christian offering the opportunity for students to learn and develop their musical talents.
- Drumline: Westside Christian offers a unique opportunity for students to learn to play marching percussion instruments in the WCHS Drumline. This group is open to all students and provides an exciting and dynamic performing arts environment that trains them to work together with precision as they play the rhythmic patterns inherent in a marching drum line. Drumline performs primarily at student athletic events, as well as community festivals.
高调结束一年! 万博客户端官网下载 Captures it's 14th Consecutive Choir State Championship and its 3rd Consecutive Band State Championship
Westside's 音乐会合唱 and Concert Band continued their winning ways as the easing of the pandemic allowed live music to be on display again this spring at the Choir State Championships on May 5th and the Band State Championships on May 12th.
The 音乐会合唱 performed well and won their division by over 100 points. 他们实现了所有的目标. 小狐走在他们前面, including performing before the Oregon Music Educators Association annual conference in January, having the highest score at their state-qualifying festival, and performing at a high level at the state championships.
音乐会乐队演奏得又好又稳定! Judges are amazed at how in tune our band plays, especially for its size. Mr. Fox says, "Our band students have so much fun together. They consistently have me laughing, but they're also committed to working hard and playing musically. 他们也因此得到了回报!"
顺便说一句, 将福克斯, 西区的音乐老师, is among the most decorated director's in the history of Oregon's music state championships. He's the only director ever to have won ten consecutive state championships. He's currently tied for the most choir state championships. He's one of only two directors who has ever captured state championships in both choir and band. And he's accomplished that feat three times to date. 当然, 他会说, “这真的是为了学生, 的记忆, 音乐, 音乐系的目标是荣耀神, 向别人展示基督的爱, 和唱/玩得精彩), 的家庭, 还有学校. I'm just grateful to be part of this great season!"
Whether you're a new student to Westside or a current student, we encourage you to join choir and band for the new school year. Help us to build and realize more great musical memories at Westside! 这些记忆将伴随你的一生!
Tuesday, May 23rd, 7:30 pm, all groups perform. 的西区体育馆
周三,11月. 30, 8:00pm - Soli Deo Gloria and West Hills VOX perform
周五,12月. 晚上7点到8点15分,Soli Deo Gloria表演. Downtown Tigard Holiday Tree Lighting begins at 6:30pm, Liberty Park at Main Street. 点亮圣诞树后, there will be 7:00pm After Party at Symposium Coffee with Cocoa, 饼干, Soli Deo Gloria现场音乐表演, 工艺品, 及儿童活动! Soli Deo Gloria will perform three 15- minute segments during the 7-8pm hour.
周日,12月. 4, 8:00pm - 音乐会合唱, 以前的声音 和Soli Deo Gloria perform.
featuring Concert Band, 音乐会合唱, 以前的声音, Soli Deo Gloria and West Hills VOX